NRHA Ride & Slide Youth L1

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Draw #Back #RiderHorseResult
1108Arfwid GrytforsWass UWlight63
273Julia ErikssonDream Chics Skygirl63.5
372Wilma Hellstrand ErikssonJacs Ztormy Chick59.5
4139Elin BrogrenHH Chessmatescratch
588Moa ÖjlerJF Ruf Creepin Holly60.5
624Theo HermanssonCS Epona In Action60.5
730Edith Ek StrandHH Golden Shiner69.5
8120Eemil PorolaGuntinius70
925Julia Lovisa WihlborgSoulas A Cinch66
10105Lucas LjungbergMons Enterprise Dust67
11107Arfwid GrytforsGumps Hummer BB68.5
1276Julia Hellstrand ErikssonSnap That Boom59.5

Results (Placing top 4)

PlaceBack #RiderHorse Score
1120Eemil PorolaGuntinius 70
230Edith Ek StrandHH Golden Shiner 69.5
3107Arfwid GrytforsGumps Hummer BB 68.5
4105Lucas LjungbergMons Enterprise Dust 67
525Julia Lovisa WihlborgSoulas A Cinch 66
673Julia ErikssonDream Chics Skygirl 63.5
7108Arfwid GrytforsWass UWlight 63
824Theo HermanssonCS Epona In Action 60.5
88Moa ÖjlerJF Ruf Creepin Holly 60.5
1072Wilma Hellstrand ErikssonJacs Ztormy Chick 59.5
76Julia Hellstrand ErikssonSnap That Boom 59.5